Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Democratic Realism

In this article, Charles Krauthammer successfully merges the doctrine of realism to the post-9/11 world. Troubles in Iraq notwithstanding, this is the strategy America will pursue if it is to win this Long War.

As things stand today, the Long War has three primary fronts:
  • Afghanistan - democratic realism in action
  • Iraq - democratic realism in action (notably less successful than Afghanistan because Iraqis have not been exhausted by 30 years of continous civil war)
  • Europe - the war is being waged on demographic and cultural fronts and is not going well at all (this will be the subject of future posts)

I am far more concerned with the battle of ideas which is taking place in Europe. The Continent recently discovered that there are those who wish the fate of Theo van Gogh on all of us, and that they cannot be ignored or wished away. Krauthammer's strategy, though brilliant, fails to cover this aspect of the Long War.

Unfortunately, we have failed to confront this problem, or even acknowledge it.