Good News in War on Terror
That is, if you are part of the 1/2 of the country that believes we are at war.We disclosed today that we caught a senior Al Qaeda operative. This guy was apparently related to the leaked British intelligence report from last week that indicated Al Qaeda was planning a massive attack in England for this spring. Last Wednesday 6 suspected terrorists were arrested in London in what was supposed to be a secret operation. British police were apparently furious that the arrests were exposed, as the best time to catch more Al Qaeda is when their compatriots have been compromised but the news is not yet public.
Anyhow, I suspect we've had this senior Al Qaeda leader in our possession for a while, but we are disclosing it now b/c his cover has been blown and we're not getting any more value out of keeping the arrest secret. If we ever catch bin Laden, I wouldn't be surprised if we kept it secret for a while - although that has to be balanced with the fact that jihadi websites would probably publish the news anyway.
Anyhow, I hope this guy talks - he should know a lot. If not, we will probably be treating him according to these guidelines.
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