Thursday, May 04, 2006

Misled into Iraq? Hardly

In response to the heckling of Donald Rumsfeld today and the heckling of George W. Bush by Stephen Colbert on Saturday night, a rebuttal of the heavyweight argument that "Bush lied people died". I can't put it any better than Norm Podhoretz, so let me close with his final paragraph and a strong recommendation to read this article:

And so long as we are hunting for liars in this area, let me suggest that
we begin with the Democrats now proclaiming that they were duped, and that we
then broaden out to all those who in their desperation to delegitimize the
larger policy being tested in Iraq—the policy of making the Middle East safe for
America by making it safe for democracy—have consistently used distortion,
misrepresentation, and selective perception to vilify as immoral a bold and
noble enterprise and to brand as an ignominious defeat what is proving itself
more and more every day to be a victory of American arms and a vindication of
American ideals.